應放置陰涼通風處、常溫保存即可(不需放置冰箱)、勿讓外處水份混入、而產生吸濕性變質。隨著時間的延長,蜂蜜的顏色變化由淺變深屬自然的變化。 ![](../99061201/00%B8%C1%BBe%C2%B2%A4%B6%A4%E9%A4%E5.JPG)
蜂蜜的保存和飲用方法 保存方式: 置於陰涼、通風、乾燥、常溫處。為避免變質,請勿將水或其他材料放入瓶中。 因為蜂蜜具有吸濕性。瓶子應該密封。隨著時間的推移和溫度的變化,蜂蜜的顏色通常會從清澈、淺色到深沉,特別是它可能會結晶。那是蜂蜜自然變化,請放心飲用。 飲用方式: Drink directly , dilute it with warm or cold water ,or milk.Don’t steam or cook it ,because high temperature will destroy the nutrition.The sugar in cake or bread can be replaced by honey. Causes of crystal:Honey is a saturated solution which contains Lots of nutrition , glucose , fructose.Because glucose gets crystallizing easily Under lower temperature.After we put Honey under the lower temperature?in a period of time, glucose crystallizes gradually.Glucose , temperature , water and the source of honey cause crystal.Generally Litchi Honey. In fact , crystallizing honey is a High concentration honey and is easier to keep long ,because it contains less water. If you want to dissolve crystal, you can purt honey in the container which surrounded by temperature about 60 degrees warm water. Then the crystal will melt easily.As above honey crystal is a natural state. The ingredient and nutrition won’t change. We can give you an example : popsicle and ice cream which make of sucrose never crystallize under lower temperature.In fact putting sucrose in the honey,The honey won’t crystallize easily. Consumers don’t need to worried about this. You can distinguish then easily by smelly or tasting the honey. Self produce and self market |